YTK Spark launches your job search – thank you for your name suggestions!

- Job seeking
- Member benefit
As a member of the YTK Unemployment Fund, you now have access to the YTK Spark service, where you can find support and tools to boost your job search. The name Spark was created with the help of our members.
The Unemployment Fund sent out a newsletter asking its members to suggest a name for the new service. The responses were overwhelming – up to 3140 in total! Many thanks for your activity and creativity – the suggestions have been read with great interest!
These are some of the suggestions we received:
“Työkompassi”, “Kiitorata”, “Kipinä”, “Toivo”, “Jelppi”, “Tsemppari”, “UraBuusti”
The service was named ‘Sytyke’, as suggested by several members. We have translated it to Spark in English. Sytyke and Spark reflect well the essence of the service: an inspiring and energetic start to a job search.
Find out more about YTK Spark on OmaYTK!