We give you the security you need to make your working life what you want it to be
Work, change jobs, take a break between jobs, develop yourself, change fields – have your own career! The YTK Unemployment Fund protects your income when you are out of work. Through YTK Worklife, you’ll get a legal assistance for your employment issues, insurance, hundreds of inspiring training courses and personal support to help you explore a new path. Make the most of working life with us!

(Working) life can be full of surprises, but YTK is always here to help

You will have income security if you have no work
As a member of an unemployment fund, your income will be secure if you are unemployed, laid off, in part-time work, or part-time self-employed. We will also pay an alternation allowance if you go on job alternation leave and a mobility grant if you take on a new job far from home.

The Lakikaveri legal service at your help in tricky situations
Sometimes in working life, there can be difficult situations in which you need the help of a lawyer. Perhaps you are scratching your head about the terms of your employment contract, chasing up unpaid wages, or looking for clarity at the end of an employment relationship. In these situations and many more, the Lakikaveri legal service is here to help.

Compensation for accidents or employment disputes
As a YTK Worklife member, you can apply for compensation if you have an accident in your free time or need to bring a dispute about your employment to court. Remember to read the terms and conditions of insurance claims carefully!

Increase your capital in the most important area
Many of our members have been positively surprised with the online training service for working life. “I had no idea there was such a comprehensive, high-quality range of courses,” said one. You will gain access to over 1,000 important Eduhouse training courses with continuous updates. The service includes training recordings made by the best professionals and real-time remote training on many skills required in working life, from digital competences to self-direction and managing others, office software to payroll.

Benefits for your wallet and the whole family
Would you like to spend less on your holidays, look after your family’s cyber security, or perhaps take up mindfulness? Look through all our benefits and decide how you would make the most of the YTK Worklife membership!