Professional legal expenses insurance
As a combined member, you have access to professional legal expenses insurance in the event of civil disputes or criminal charges related to your employment or public-service employment. Coverage begins when you have been a member for at least six months when an insured event occurs.

As a combined member, you have access to professional legal expenses insurance in the event of civil disputes or criminal charges related to your employment or public-service employment. Professional legal expenses insurance is worth having because the legal cover added to household insurance only covers private legal matters.
Since 1.1.2022, YTK’s combined members have enjoyed coverage with LocalTapiola’s professional legal expenses insurance.
In brief
The insurance covers reasonable and necessary legal and litigation expenses arising from handling a matter.
You can use the insurance if you meet the following criteria:
- You have been a combined YTK member for at least six months when an insured event occurs,
- If your membership has been valid for less than two years, the factors on which the dispute or criminal case is based must have occurred during the validity of your membership, and
- You have paid your membership fees properly
The insurance covers the following:
- Legal disputes and criminal cases related to your employment or public service relationship
- Legal and litigation expenses arising from using your own lawyer
- The opposing party’s legal expenses if the court requires you to pay them
The insurance does not cover the following, among others:
- Cases concerning the conditions for terminating employment
- Bankruptcy or enforcement cases
- Charges relating to intentional or aggravated acts
- Cases concerning business activities, shareholdings in businesses, or membership in a company’s administrative bodies
Policy number: 312-0945888-T
Sum insured and deductible
The maximum compensation payable for a legal expenses claim is 10,000 euros.
If the disputed matter has a monetary value, the insurance covers no more than twice the monetary value of the disputed matter.
Your deductible is 15% of the compensable costs and at least 250 euros.
The foregoing is not an exhaustive description of the content of the legal expenses insurance. The insurance terms and conditions describe the exact content of the insurance.
How to use professional legal expenses insurance
- Call us or send us a message in the OMA+ service
We will check the validity of your combined membership and review the general requirements for receiving compensation. - Choose your own representative (i.e., a barrister or solicitor)
You can choose your own legal representative. Your legal representative may be a barrister or solicitor with a valid right to act as an attorney or counsel in the area where the insurance is valid. You may also choose a suitable representative from the network offered by our partner, Opuslex. The lawyers in the network are familiar with our combined members’ insurance and can act accordingly.
If you use a lawyer who is not in the Opuslex network, tell them to review the terms and conditions of the legal expenses insurance and how to apply for compensation. This information is available on the YTK Working Life Services website. - Apply for compensation through your representative
Apply for compensation by calling LocalTapiola’s claims service (tel +358 9 453 2770, weekdays 9 am to 3 pm) or filling in an insurance claim here.
You can email the completed insurance claim to [email protected]. Please note that email is not a secure communication method. You can also attach the claim to a message in the online service. Log in to the online service at
The following information must be included in the insurance claim:
– What you are claiming
– When the claim is contested
– The grounds for the claim
If the case is a criminal matter, attach a copy of the court summons.
If a representative will handle your compensation claim, attach the representative’s power of attorney here.
Post your free-form insurance claim to:
Legal expenses claims
02010 LÄHITAPIOLA, Finland
or email it to [email protected]
If you have any documents of essential relevance to the claim, such as the presented claim, when the claim is contested, and the grounds for the claim, it is advisable to attach them to the insurance claim. They will be needed to process the claim.
After receiving an insurance claim, LocalTapiola requests any additional information it needs to determine whether the claim can be paid. When all the necessary information is available, LocalTapiola will issue a written claim decision and deliver it to you. The claim decision will also be sent in writing to your representative if power of attorney is exercised. - Wait for the claim decision
After receiving your insurance claim, LocalTapiola will send you a claim number and contact you if any additional information is needed to process the claim. LocalTapiola always issues written claim decisions.
LähiTapiola’s general member advice on legal damages
Claims advice:
Phone 09-453 2770 (weekdays klo 9-15)
e-mail [email protected]