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Home Earnings-related daily allowance

Earnings-related daily allowance

The daily allowance is designed to protect your income and your job search during unemployment. You can also apply for earnings-related daily allowance during periods of lay-offs, part-time work and part-time employment. You can also use your unemployment benefit to study.

Mies tekee laskelmia.

If you are a fund or combined member of the YTK, you can apply for unemployment benefit from the YTK unemployment fund during unemployment, lay-offs and part-time work. If you meet all the conditions and there are no obstacles, the YTK Unemployment Fund can pay you an earnings-related allowance. The amount depends on your income before you became unemployed. For more information about the earnings-related allowance, its conditions, restrictions and amount, see the YTK Unemployment Fund website.

Test how much you could get in earnings-related daily allowance

Use the YTK Unemployment Fund’s daily allowance calculator to estimate the amount of daily allowance you would receive during unemployment, lay-off, part-time work and alternating leave. At the same time, you will receive an estimate of the amount of the benefit for tax purposes.

Do this if:

Nainen rapsuttelee koiraa.

You became unemployed

The most important thing is to register as a jobseeker via the Job Market website immediately. You can then apply for daily allowance from us using these instructions:

Mies työmaakypärä kädessään rakennustyömaan edessä.

You were laid off

Even if you have been laid off, you must register as a jobseeker via the Job Market. See instructions on how to apply for daily allowance:

Mies odottaa bussia asemalla.

You are working part-time

If you work part-time, you can apply for an adjustable daily allowance to cover any shortfall in your monthly income using these guidelines:

When will the daily allowance be paid?

You can check the Unemployment Fund’s payment forecast to see when your application will be processed.

Other fund services:

Do you need help finding a job?

Members of the YTK Worklife have access to a wide range of support and tips for finding a job.