Trainings to support your well-being
Would you like to sleep better? Do you need to relax and recuperate? You will find a wide range of Eduhouse exercises in the online training service for working life, which is included in the member benefits.

Our online training service for working life, free of charge to our members, offers a wide range of Eduhouse exercises for anyone looking for tools to strengthen their worklife skillsa and mental well-being.
If you haven’t yet taken advantage of the online training service, start by registering via OMA+!
How to access the online training service
Try these for example:
Aivobic workouts – Keep your head together in the midst of chaos
How can you keep your head together and stay focused and relaxed so that you avoid dwelling on the past, dreading the future and distracted by environmental disturbances? Take a break from your daily routine and engage in a light brain workout to rhythmic music! Aivobics is a pleasant activity to do with your eyes closed, sinking into an armchair or lying comfortably on the carpet. You’ll learn practical methods to combat everyday stress and distraction.
Learn to appreciate your sleep
What is sleep and why is it a vital resource for people? In this training, sleep doctor and non-fiction writer Henri Tuomilehto explains the importance of sleep for people. You will learn how to identify sleep deprivation and how to learn how to improve your sleep.
Relaxation exercises
In this section, you will learn about relaxation exercises you can do at work to relieve stress.
Psychological flexibility
Would you like to deepen your understanding of psychological flexibility and managing transitions in the workplace? This training addresses changes in working life and the challenges they bring. The trainer, occupational psychologist Anna Lohman, specializes in psychological phenomena in the workplace.
Emotional skills for well-being
What are emotional skills and what is their importance in working life? How do emotions manifest themselves in everyday life and how can we learn to develop them? The development of emotional skills strengthens both individual and workplace well-being, improves productivity and creativity and, by strengthening social skills, helps us to cope with different situations. The content is useful from the perspective of strengthening anyone’s life management skills and well-being and is not limited to the work context.
Resources and Well-being in Remote Work
Well-being is not just about minimizing stressors; it is fundamentally about enhancing and enabling factors that promote well-being. This section focuses on well-being, psychological basic needs, and motivation. The trainer, psychologist Kirsi Sjöblom, specializes in the phenomena of modern working life.
Better recovery
Are you recovering properly from your working days? Do you still feel tired when you wake up? This coaching session, put together by Aava Virta professionals, will give you tips for better recovery and sleep! The coaching is suitable for anyone interested in improving their sleep and recovery. It is also suitable for people struggling with stress and pre-fatigue, as well as active people who need better recovery.
Practical ways to strengthen well-being at work
This training package takes a practical approach to the areas of well-being at work. Once you have looked at the whole, you will be able to outline the broader picture of well-being at work and the factors that influence it. You will learn how you can have a concrete impact on your own well-being at work.
Work-Life balance
The term Work-Life Balance is getting more common and we are talking more and more about how we as employees can balance our work life and personal life in a good and healthy way. What does the science say about this? What conditions is necessary and is it even possible to achieve it? How can we review our own balance between our personal and working life? Here you will get a basic overview of the phenomena.
Stress management
The purpose of this course is to give you an insight into the psychology and physiology in stress reactions so that you can develop really effective tactics and skills in handling challenging situations in your daily life and at work. The content is applicable for anyone regardsless of life situation or work position.