A clear majority of our members feel that YTK should take part in the debate about the transformation of work

- Member pulse
Are careers becoming more diverse? What does the future look like for traditional paid employment, job hunting, earnings-related daily allowance or combining jobs?
At YTK, we believe that the debate about the transformation of work, careers and unemployment is important. We have more than half a million members each building their own careers, which gives us excellent insight into the topic.
Naturally, we are also interested in hearing our members’ opinions on the subject. That’s why in June, we asked the following in our Member Pulse survey: Do you view the General Unemployment Fund YTK as an active and visible social debater in the future in relation to the themes of transformation of work? We received more than 16,000 responses, and a clear majority answered this question positively!
- 33% of you answered “Yes, definitely”
- 39% replied “It would most likely be useful”
- 23% replied “It could possibly be useful”
- 4% replied “I don’t think it would be particularly useful” and only 1% “Not at all”.
The responses speak for themselves! Our active role in the debate over the transformation of work is clearly welcomed by 72% of respondents and rejected by only 5%.
Thank you for your answers and comments! More highlights from this summer’s Member Pulse survey will be published on our website and other channels over the summer.