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Home Work life guide page Annual leave Illness and incapacity to work at the start of and during annual holiday

Illness and incapacity to work at the start of and during annual holiday

If, at the start of the annual holiday or a part of it, the employee is unable to work as a result of childbirth, illness or accident, the holiday must, at the employee’s request, be postponed to a later date.

At the employee’s request, the employee is also entitled to postpone the holiday or part thereof if it is known that the employee will be required to undergo medical care or other similar treatment during the holiday and the employee is unable to work during this time.

During the holiday, if the employee falls ill or becomes temporarily unable to work the employee must wait six days before the annual holiday can be postponed.  If the illness or incapacity to work continues for more than six days, the employee is entitled to postpone the holiday by the number of days of illness or incapacity. If the employee has accrued 24 days of holiday or less, no waiting days are applied.

I fell ill before my annual holiday started. Will my annual holiday be postponed?

If the employee is unable to work at the start of the annual holiday, the holiday must be postponed to a later date at the employee’s request.

At the employee’s request, the employee is also entitled to postpone the holiday or part thereof if it is known that the employee will be required to undergo medical care or other similar treatment during the holiday and the employee is unable to work during this time.

Annual holiday is not transferred automatically, but requires an explicit request from the employee. The employee must immediately request the transfer of annual holiday from the employer and, at the employer’s request, present reliable proof of the incapacity to work.

I fell ill during my annual holiday, will my days of holiday still be used up?

If the employee’s incapacity to work begins during the annual holiday, the employee is entitled, at their request, to have the days of incapacity exceeding six days to be postponed to be held at a later date. During the six-day waiting period, the annual holiday cannot be postponed.

If the incapacity to work continues for more than six days, the employee is entitled to have the days of annual holiday exceeding six days postponed. Annual holiday is not transferred automatically, but requires an explicit request from the employee. The employee must immediately request the transfer of annual holiday from the employer and, at the employer’s request, present reliable proof of the incapacity to work.