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Home Work life guide page Annual leave Leave carried forward

Leave carried forward

The employer and employee may agree that a part of the holiday exceeding 18 days to be carried forward and taken during the next holiday period. Employees have the right to carry forward more than 24 days of their holiday if this does not cause serious harm to the production and service activities of the workplace.

The employer and employee must negotiate on the carrying forward of annual holiday and the number of days to be carried forward at the latest when the employer consults the employees on the timing of annual holiday, as required by the Annual Holidays Act.

Leave carried forward must be granted to the employee during the calendar year or years determined by the employee. If it is not possible to agree on a more precise timing, the employee must notify the employee that they intend to use the leave carried forward no later than four months before the start date of the leave. If the employee is unable to work during the leave carried forward, the terms for postponing annual holiday apply.